Recently, there have been few new models introduced in our market, but the competition between Noob and other factories has intensified, particularly between Noob and ZZ factory. From what I understand, ZZ factory doesn’t produce many brand replicas; their first Rolex replica was the Submariner 114060 No Date, which was a decent replica but didn’t sell particularly well at first. Now, ZZ factory has expanded to replicate the Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV, with the latest version upgraded to V2. I believe their Submariner poses a significant threat to other factories producing Rolex Submariner replicas, especially Noob, as the quality of ZZ factory’s 116610LV Submariner is noticeably superior to Noob’s. Returning to our main topic, there’s a Breitling Navitimer replica from TF factory, which is a decent Navitimer replica; however, I do not recommend it. For the best replica Breitling watches available in our market, I suggest considering the Avenger or Transocean models.
The dial of the Breitling replica is quite distinctive, featuring numerous markers and numerals. Several factories attempted to create high-quality replica watches of the Navitimer over the years, but most ultimately fell short. Currently, only a couple of factories are still producing Navitimer replicas, with TF being one of them. You can consider purchasing one to try, but I advise against wearing it in social settings like restaurants or clubs with friends. They will likely recognize it as a replica at first glance, particularly due to the dial or bezel, leading to an awkward situation.
The price of this Breitling Navitimer is quite reasonable for most people, being under $360, which is less than many AAA quality replica watches available online. For a watch at this price point that can last over three years, I believe it is definitely worth it. The Breitling Navitimer and Avenger were top sellers in our market five or six years ago, but their significant market position has now been taken over by other brand models such as the Rolex Daytona, Rolex Submariner, Panerai Submersible, and IWC Portuguese. Additionally, TF also provides a leather band option for this Breitling Navitimer.
Here are the specifications for the Breitling Navitimer:
Movement: Asia ETA 2824-2 Automatic, 28800 BPH, with decorated movement plates and rotor.
Case: 41mm x 10mm, made of 316L stainless steel.
Crystal: Sapphire with anti-reflective (AR) coating.
Dial: Blue.
Band: 316L stainless steel with a deployant clasp.
Water Resistance: 30 meters.